Automatic deception detection: Methods for finding fake news

In the scholarly article Automatic deception detection: Methods for finding fake news it talks about methods to find or detect fake news. The article says that word analysis isn’t enough, and they need to use deep syntax/deeper language structures to accurately predict deception or fake news. When using deep syntax programs the articles say it might not be that sufficient so an alternate is semantic text analysis. This is utilized to indicate the meaning and context of the text and show what it’s talking about. The website claims that this efficient method is 91% accurate. The site says that network approaches are the most important including twitter and other blogs. Linked data are also used to compare data to real information. All of these methods have demonstrated excellent accuracy. These tools make it easier to detect deception in news


4 thoughts on “Automatic deception detection: Methods for finding fake news

  1. Hi Topher,
    Thank you for sharing a relevant article in your blog. In your opinion is “fake news” a minor or major concern? Do you think “fake news” occurs more in written or televised form? Lastly, do you think that adolescents are being propagandized by news outlets?

    I look forward to your response,
    Mrs. Richards

  2. Dear Mrs. Richards,
    To resolve your question I think fake news remains a significant concern because it can easily ruin the reputation of people or execute an inaccurate idea about something. This connects to adolescents being propagandized because when they hear something they assume it’s true not recognizing the fake news going on, for example, many vaping companies claim vaping is better but many people have been dying from wet lung because of the aerosol and trash they deposit into their bodies. I think fake news occurs happen more in written form because its easier to publish fake news than to stream a show or program giving fake news. When I’m at the store, I see newspapers like this all the time.
    (Copy Link into Browser)
    -RMS Student

  3. Hey Topher,
    This is a really interesting topic! How often do you think fake news is spread? How do you think it is impacting us today?
    – Jeffrey M.

  4. Dear Jeffrey,
    Thanks for the compliment! I think fake news is spread by the minutes from school rumors to published news. Fake news impacts everyone and can hurt a lot of people a give them the wrong idea about something. Its a good thing we have software to detect this but were not guaranteed to track all fake news.
    – Topher A.

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